Navigating the World of Cryptocurrency

In recent years, the finance sector has undergone a profound transformation with the emergence of cryptocurrencies. These digital assets, underpinned by blockchain technology, have revolutionized our perceptions and interactions with money. From Bitcoin to Ethereum and beyond, the cryptocurrency market continues to expand, captivating investors, technologists, and enthusiasts alike. In this blog, we embark on a journey through the realm of cryptocurrency, examining its origins, functionalities, potential, and the profound impact it exerts on our financial landscape. Origins of Cryptocurrency: The genesis of cryptocurrency traces back to 2008 when an individual or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto unveiled a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." This seminal document introduced the blueprint for Bitcoin, the world's inaugural decentralized digital currency. Leveraging blockchain technology, Bitcoin enables secure and transparent peer-to-peer tra...

Programming Language

It has been never end…..and it will never till it END.
Sourav Poddar

First of all God bless you throughout this Christmas and   New Year and hope success remains always with you. Hello everyone, though it has been a long time to back here and missed a lot of things ,hope it won’t cut serious,  but still visual that response is stubborn everywhere .  Pleased to see an excellent response and appreciation on my blog n website, I got many feedbacks and suggestions on blog, mail, Facebook every time .crossing over 5000+ visitors in these days. Thank you all for appreciating it.
Well as I promise you that it will be a ‘Christmas’ blog, means I will write for you (your choice, Your topic).Huge Applause for you all, over 100+ topics and suggestion I got and I was surprised that some topics where amazing means I called it ‘High level technical advancement’ I want to choose,but sorry pal I haven’t sufficient material. Next time better, I hope that you all are now aware about Ethical concept on Hacking, windows basic,keyboard Shortcuts ,Cloud Computing,Website development .So, what I got this time is ‘Programming language’ suggested by Crina Rossmaier.Let me tell about you deutsche,they put some serious concern about their talks. I was impressed by language they use.
I found it best one topic because seriously there are so many PL around whole world and we don’t know many of them ,expt. Java,C,C++,Python etc. and there uses.
I know what you are thinking, ‘who cares’???
Seriously I have the same vision too, I mean we have the best one for universal purpose programming like C,java etc.but do you know that some PL are amazingly best for scripting and superb result like Go programming language.
There is always a specific advantage of each and every language, personally I love Python. Great one for beginners in PL ;) 
Now before going to start I will highly recommend that, please, do not try to learn the entire PL’s because each and every PL has vast core structure and half knowledge is dangerous, it will confuse you certainly.
So, pick your desired and favorite one, and start from basic to core, because each PL has major areas of applications.  

1. Introduction (PL).
2. Types of Programming language.
3. Lists of PL/way to Programming.
4. Platforms of PL.  
5. Top PL.
6. Application over PL.
7. Contact.



1.   Introduction (PL):
As the name suggest ‘Programming’ thing hit in mind that it must something use to write any application using mathematical as well as physical science.
When I heard about PL, I was little bit confused about their compilation, that how a simple syntax can make mega application, interfaces, browsers etc.
Like Print “hello”
Result: Hello
Scan codes.
Wow, that is something I need to learn, and I wish I can L
Still fighting from PL’s codes.PL is that evolutionary change that changes the whole concept of computation.
Thanks to Sir Dennis Ritchie for contribution in PL field.  
To say that a good programmer can write good software in any language is like saying that a good Pilot can fly any aircraft: true, but irrelevant. A passenger aircraft is designed for safety, comfort and economic viability; a military aircraft is designed for performance and mission capability; a nultralite aircraft is designed for low cost and operational simplicity.
The role of language in programming has been downgraded in favor of software methodology and tools; not just downgraded, but totally repudiated when it is claimed that a well-designed system can be implemented equally well in any language. But programming languages are not
just a tool; they furnish the raw material of software, the thing we look at on our screens most of the day. I believe that the programming language is one of the most important, not one of the least important, factors that influence the ultimate quality of a software system. Unfortunately, too many programmers have poor linguistic skills. He/she is passionately in love with his/her “native” programming language, but is not able to analyze and compare language constructs, nor to understand the advantages and disadvantages of modern languages and language concepts. Too often, one hears statements that demonstrate conceptual confusion: “Language L1 is more powerful (or more efficient) than language L2”.
This lack of knowledge is a contributing factor to two serious problems in software. The first is the ultra-conservatism that exists in the choice of programming languages. Despite the explosive advances in computer hardware and the sophistication of modern software systems, most programming is still done in languages that were developed about 1970, if not earlier. Extensive research in programming languages is never tested in practice, and software developers are forced to use tools and methodologies to compensate for obsolete language technology. It is as if airlines would refuse to try jet aircraft on the grounds that an old-fashioned propeller aircraft is perfectly capable of getting you from here to there.
The second problem is that language constructs are used indiscriminately, with little or no regard for safety or efficiency. This leads to unreliable software that cannot be maintained, as well as to inefficiencies that are solved by assembly language coding, rather than by refinement of the algorithms and the programming paradigms.
Programming languages exist only for the purpose of bridging the gap in the level of abstraction between the hardware and the real world. There is an inevitable tension between higher levels of abstraction that are easier to understand and safer to use, and lower levels of abstraction that are xiPreface xii more flexible and can often be implemented more efficiently. To design or choose a programming language is to select an appropriate level of abstraction, and it is not surprising that different programmers prefer different levels, or that one language may be appropriate for one project and not for another. Within a specific language, a programmer should understand in depth the safety and efficiency implications of each construct in the language.
A programming language is a formal constructed language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs to control the behavior of a machine or to express algorithms.
(Source: Wikipedia)

2.   Types of Programming language:

As we all aware that there are two types of PL:
1. High Level PL.
2. Low Level PL.
But you if we divide it into segments ,then it comese upto 45 types of PL.
Check this out:

3.   Lists of PL/way of PL:
I found very interesting link that can help a user either beginners, advance to learn about different languages of programming :
Keep hunting.

4.   Platforms of PL:
Basically programming language have different compilation and execution process in different platforms.
Cross Platform: Ability of a programming language (such as Java) that enables programmers to develop software for several competing platforms by writing a program only once. Cross-platform software can run on most or all systems with little or no modification. Also called multi-platform.
Platform Independent: Software that can run on any hardware platform (PC, Mac, SunSparc, etc.) or software platform (Linux, MacOS, Unix, Windows, etc.). In general, programs written in Java language can be executed on practically every platform.
As java ,php,python are example of platform independent.
    C,C++ are platform dependent means these types of PL shows different        features in different platforms.

6. Application over PL:
There are wide range of applications over PL, through PL we can design, implement an software as well as models.
1.Designing Interfaces.
2.Deigning Websites.
3.Security drills and softwares.
4.Application designing(including Media,Games,Simulaton,Travel,Entertainment,Defense etc)
5.Building Softwares.
6.Built Prototypes.
And many more great application over PL,just you need to learn them in deep.    

 5.   Top PL:
There is nothing you can say the ‘best’ PL because each and every PL have their own specifications, but through the overall record that highly used PL over years are as follows:
1. C Language
I vividly remember that the first programming language course that I had in my university was of C language. Our instructor assigned us a task to add two numbers using C. And when we completed the task, we felt like the best programmers on earth. C is definitely a very good programming language to learn, specifically for the beginners who are intending for a programming career in the long run.
A bit of history: C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972, at Bell labs. The legacy of C language stems from the fact that it is ancestor to many of the advanced programming languages such as C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, and Pearl. It is probably due to this reason that C is the first programming course offered in universities as it paves way for learning other languages. C language is mostly used for developing low level applications as it is considered nearest to the hardware amongst all languages, baring assembly language.
2. C++ Language
Though C language was performing extremely well, it lacked object orientation. In order to address this issue, C++ language was developed in 1983 which is often considered object oriented version of C language. C++ is one of the most widely used languages of the world with many amazing applications developed through it. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Winamp, and the complete suite of Adobe Software were developed using C++. Apart from that, several advanced games and operating systems – like windows – have been developed in C++ due to its quick processing and compilation mechanism. Also, C++ developers are in extremely high demand in the job market and the number of vacancies is growing.
3. Java
Java was developed by James Gosling, in 1990 at Sun Microsystems. Java further adds to the capabilities of C++ language. It is often said that Java owes a lot to C and C++ in terms of features and capabilities. The special thing about Java is that this is the first purely object oriented programming language. Java was developed on the principle of WORA i.e. “Write Once Run Anywhere”. This feature adds to the portability of Java. You just need to compile Java Source code once and then on any machine where JVM (Java Virtual Machine is installed), you can run that code irrespective of the underlying operating system and hardware.
Java language is used to develop enterprise level application and video games; it can be employed to develop web based applications when used with JSP (Java Server Pages). Java has huge job market with attractive incentives. This is a must learn language for every programmer.
4. C#
C# belongs to the Microsoft’s family of programming language and was developed in 2000 to be the part of the first ever release of Microsoft’s prestigious .NET framework. C# is very similar to Java in terms of capabilities. It has been said that C# combines the robustness of C++ with the advanced features of Java. Therefore, if you are good at Java, it is extremely easy to switch to C# and vice-versa.
C# language is used to develop almost all types of software applications that come with Visual Studio IDE. If you are developing a dynamic web based application in ASP.NET, you will be required to code in C# or VB to write backend handling mechanism. If you are developing a Windows form application or a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Application, you will be required to code in C#. Similarly, if you are developing a windows phone application, again you will be required to code in C#.
5. Objective C
Objective-C was initially developed at Apple by Brad Cox and Tom Love, in 1983. The purpose of developing Objective-C programming language was to address the deficiencies in C language. The major shortcoming in C language was object orientation which provoked many developers to devise languages that incorporate object orientation paradigm. As a result C++ and Object-C were developed. However, the latter have gained immense popularity owing to its use in developing applications for Apple’s iPhone and iPad.
6. PHP
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the most widely used languages used to develop dynamic websites. PHP was developed in 1995 and is a server-side scripting language which means that PHP code is processed on the server and end result is sent to the user of the website in the form of plain HTML.
PHP is an open-source language which means that there are thousands of already built modules that can be modified to achieve the desired functionality. Also, PHP is easy to learn; you simply have to embed the code inside HTML. And if there was anything left, there are hundreds of PHP platforms available such as Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal that allow you to develop websites even more conveniently. PHP is one language that every programmer should learn if he or she plans to pursue a web developer’s career. PHP is also an integral part of the famous LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) platform that Facebook, Yahoo, and other famous websites use. PHP has a huge job market, though not much highly paid when compared to ASP.NET developers; PHP developers easily find decent jobs.
7. JavaScript
Server side languages are ideal for developing complex web applications but performing every task on server puts lots of load on a server. For this reason, developers often delegate some part of the functionality to client side and for this purpose JavaScript is used. JavaScript is a client side programming language that runs inside a client browser and process commands on client computer rather than server which results in decreased load on server and increased application’s execution speed. JavaScript has been designed by Netscape and there is hardly any website that doesn’t make use of JavaScript. Though, JavaScript alone will not help you land a job but if you are looking to pursue a career in web development, JavaScript is a must learn language along with some advanced server side scripting language
8. Python
Python is another high-level programming language and is often considered on the easiest language to learn, owing to its simplicity, readability and straight forward syntax. Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991. Python wasn’t used that widely in the past; however, the language has seen great surge in popularity in the recent years owing to Google’s investment in the language in the past 10 years or so. Currently, some highly famous and robust sites are operating in python including,, and Like, PHP, Python also has associated web frameworks which make it more convenient to develop web based applications in python. Django is one such platform which powers the sites aforementioned.
9. SQL
SQL is not a development language; it is actually a database query language. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL provides a standardized way of interacting with the underlying database of an application. SQL is extremely simple to learn and is probably closest to the English language in terms of syntax. Almost every application has a backend database and in order to interact with that you will need to have sound knowledge of SQL. Like JavaScript, SQL alone is not that beneficial in terms of job placement; however, good command of SQL can help you stand out of crowd. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you learn it. 
10. Ruby
Similar to Python, Ruby is also a simple and readable programming language mainly focused on developing web-based applications. Designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995, Ruby powers Ruby on Rails, a web development framework on which numerous renowned websites including Github, Scribd, Yammer, Shopify, and Groupon have been developed. Ruby is regarded as combination of some of the most famous features of Lisp, Pearl and Eiffel. Ruby also has got a good job market and ruby developers are being paid decently at the moment.
2. Wikipedia.
1.    The art of computer programming.
2.    Java: A complete Reference.
3.    Introduction to algo.

6.   Contact:
or mail me at
*Need your suggestions and feedback, so that I can improve my way and ideas for coming blogs and hope that you appreciate it J
Thank YOU!!!

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