Hello everyone, I Sourav Poddar here once again to show you some basic tips n tricks. I am very pleased to see a good appreciation and response on my blog, I got many feedbacks and suggestions on blog,mail,facebook .Thank you all for appreciating it.
So, before start writing my third blog i want to share a funny feedback got from my one friend. As u know that In my first blog Some Cool Hacking Tips N Tricks, I shared how to make dangerous virus to corrupt hard disk n I also shared that don’t try it your own computer, but one of my friend tried on her own laptop and seems she forget to delete that .bat folder.She was very upset and told me on mail that “sourav my windows is corrupt totally by your tricks ,you don’t provide us any warnings or precautions so, now I want you to correct it”
It’s a big Lol, I am repeating again that plzz read it out the whole blog because I already give you warnings for that particular action. So pls dn’t blame me, I am not responsible for your actions. So let’s get start friends, I hope that you all are now aware about Ethical Hacking and now I am going to show you the Tips n Tricks for windows.
Dissimilar: (Above age 8 plz)
1. Making Undeletable and Unrenameble Folder in Windows.
2. Password Protect Folder without using any software.
3. How to make your PC’s faster and Well performable.
4. Contact me.
1. Create a Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows :
· Go to Start and then Click on Run
· Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt).
· Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can't make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:
· Type D: or E: and hit enter
· Type md con\ and hit enter (md - make directory)
· You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.
· Open that directory; you will see the folder created of name con.
· Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message.
How to delete that folder?
It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this
folder by another way mentioned below.
Open Command Prompt
Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter
Type rd con\ (rd - remove directory)
Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it is removed.
2. Password Protect Folder without using any software:
· Open Notepad and Copy code given below into it.
Title sourav1up.blogspot.com
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-
08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== admin goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-
08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End
· Save the notepad file as lock.bat (.bat is must)
· Now double click on lock.bat and a new folder will be created with name MyFolder
· Copy all your data you want to protect in that New folder
· Now double click on lock.bat and when command promp appears Type Y and press enter.
· Now MyFolder will be hidden from you view, to access that folde double click on lock.bat
· It will ask for password enter your password and done. (Default password is admin)
To change the password replace Admin with new password in the above code.
How To Further Secure ?
You might be thinking that anyone can access the password by opening that lock.bat file in Notepad or any other text editor. To make it more secure hide lock.bat in some secure location after following the above tutorial To access the secured file double click on lock.bat. I would suggest copying lock.bat file into Pendrive and copying it into your computer whenever you required to access to your protected files.
3. How to make your PC’s faster and Well performable:
Well I got some mails from my friends that there system is not working properly now, that it was earlier. It take rather more time to run a program. How it can be mange ,should I reboot windows every time??
Look there is no need to reboot your OS in short term periods. Rebooting a system frequently affect the hard disk.
There are many different ways to make your pc’s performance faster then earlier performance.
Step 1:
As u all know Temporary files, or foo files (.TMP), are files created to temporarily contain information while a new file is being made. It may be destroyed by computer programs for a variety of purposes; principally when a program cannot allocate enough memory for its tasks, when the program is working on data bigger than the architecture's address space, or as a primitive form of inter-process communication.
Some programs create temporary files and then leave them behind - they do not delete them. This can happen because the program crashed or the developer of the program simply forgot to add the code needed to delete the temporary files after the program is done with them. The temporary files left behind can accumulate over time and consume a lot of disk space.
Temporary files may be deleted manually. Operating systems may clear out the temporary directory on a reboot, and they may have "cleaner" scripts that remove files if they have not been accessed in a certain amount of time. Also, memory-based systems, like tmpfs, inherently do not preserve files across a reboot.
· Go to Start menu and click on RUN option.
· Type %temp% .
· There you see lots of temp files stored, which acts as a bug and it occupy system space.
· Delete all the files permanently.
· It provides you some MB space in your hard disk.
Step 2:
· Go to My Computer.
· Right click on the drives you created during Partition ,like (c,d,e )
· Click on the Properties of that particular drive.
· You find the allocated space reserved and free in your drive, at the bottom you see
Two options placed there:
1. Compress this drive to save disk space.
2. Allow files on this drive to have contant indexed in addition to file property.
· The both options default selected ,just remove the selection from there
Then a messege will occur like ‘You want to select for all folders and sub folders’
· Click ok and then it will take a few minutes to complete the process.
It will create a huge space in your hard disk around to around 2 to 6 GB.
So what you are waiting for …..go for it !!
Step 3:
· Click on Start menu.
· Go to ‘Accessories’ and select ‘System Tools’.
· Click on Disk clean up and select a particular drive like (c,d,e)
· There you see it complete a process in which it scans all the error system files, dumb files etc.
· Follow the steps until the process not complete
Note: It didn’t clean all the files of system.It only scans and remove the dumb and error files which occupy spaces in your system.So don’t be afraid of using it.
Step 4:
· Click on Start Menu.
· Go to ‘Accessories’ and select ‘Disk Defragmenter .
For start this, let me explain you that what is Disk defragmenter??
Disk defragmentation describes the process of consolidating fragmented files on your computer's hard disk.Fragmentation happens to a hard disk over time as you save, change, or delete files. The changes that you save to a file are often stored at a location on the hard disk that's different from the original file. Additional changes are saved to even more locations. Over time, both the file and the hard disk itself become fragmented, and your computer slows down as it has to look in many different places to open a file.Disk Defragmenter is a tool that rearranges the data on your hard disk and reunites fragmented files so your computer can run more efficiently. In this version of Windows, Disk Defragmenter runs on a schedule so you don't have to remember to run it, although you can still run it manually or change the schedule it uses.
· Now select any drive you want to defragment.
· Start the process, it will take few minutes to complete the process
· At the end a system report will occur that shows your system performance.
Step 5:
I think most important step to run your system smoothly and well performed.
· Refresh your system while you start your PC’s.
· Install a firewall on your computer.
· Clear your track files using cleaner, I suggest CCleaner is the best.
· Purchase or download anti-virus software.
· Remove the unnecessary software permanently from your system by using Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.
· Delete emails from unknown sources. Never click on an emailed link that looks questionable.
· Keep in mind that the process like Temp files cleaning or running antivirus or cleaner should be RUN in a week simultaneously. I hope it will surly help you to make your system performance well.
Sources for writing this Blog :
1.Internet Sources:
· Thinking Fast and slow
And Self sources ,friends and a lot from News and Magazines…
12. Contact me:
LinkedIn: http://in.linkedin.com/pub/sourav-poddar/6b/542/a30
or mail me at
*Need your suggestions and feedback ,so that I can improve my way and ideas for coming ebooks and hope that you appreciate itJ
Thank YOU !!!
Life is a phonix,can rise from the ashes
ReplyDeletepresent a future at challenging situatuins
This altar of ashes is foundation of new life
War was thrusted,martydom shinde
Memories of soldiers ignite beauties of life
Phonix is a metaphor of life in its action
Ashes remind us to celebrate greatness of those lives
This is 4 U my friend
..supreb start,it really helping us..god bless you sir ji
keep it up
Finally You made it for u as a decent blogger
ReplyDeleteand for us as to post on your blog :P
Gr8 work,excellent skill and no more words
Have a dynamic future bro.;)